Seated Posture

by | Apr 29, 2013 | Exercise Science

Current technological advancements have created screen based work and social environments that encourage seated postures. This opposes past generations of industrial workers that relied upon standing and walking. Comparing past to present, overall movement volumes have declined and as a result cause adverse health effects.

It is important to understand how adaptations take place. The SAID principle stands for “Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands” and in other words “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Demands of seated postures:
Lack of overall of movement
Excessive wrist pronation
Arm flexion
Shoulder adduction
Direct loading of the hips and lumbar
Low levels of stability

These demands can result in back pain, tight hips, limited arm extension, shoulder pain, knee pain, reduced coordination, and more. Sadly these are all responses from sitting at a screen for hours upon hours.

Our bodies will compensate when the hips become immobile by mobilizing the surrounding joints like the knees and low back. However, when mobile joints become immobile and vice versa there is a greater chance of injury and degradation.

This is why it is important to promote proper mechanics and quality movement patterns. If not, training poor patterns will only strengthen poor mechanics and no matter how strong the individual becomes, they will only strengthen inefficiency.

Training Tips:

  1. Avoid seated exercise
  2. Avoid repetitive bench training sessions
  3. Train Arm Extension
  4. Train joint mobility and core stability
  5. Foam Roll, increasing localized blood flow and muscle plasticity

Corrective Exercises:

Stability Exercise: Wall march with mini-bands


Mobility Exercise: supine internal external rotations


Stability Exercise: Suitcase carry with Band hold


Mobility Exercise: Pitchers Stretch


Stability Exercise: Quadruped T


Mobility Exercise: T spine Stretch