Fitness News
Ready, Set, Go!
What it’s like to get started at Veritas Performance Starting the training process is pretty simple and begins with a brief consult. This can be over the phone or in person and takes about 10-15 minutes. During this time, we review our pricing options as well as any...
Yum! Banana Chocolate Bread Pudding
Banana Chocolate Bread Pudding With Cashew Custard Recipe from Jason Grenci at Precision Nutrition Nutrition is all about moderation. The key to weight loss is being able to find a balance between providing our body with the things that it needs and the things that it...
Guide to Smart and Safe Snow Shoveling
Having to shovel snow all winter long in New England is annoying enough, but injure your back doing so and you seriously start considering moving to Florida. This article will walk you through the common mistakes made while shoveling snow, how to avoid them, and three...
Cross Training, What Should I Do?
We all know exercise can be good for anybody, but what type of exercise should you be doing? Everyone has different goals with exercise, some want to lose weight, some want to improve athletic performance, and some simply enjoy the process of growth and development....
Nutrition Practices Before, During, and After Training
I’m often asked a few common nutrition questions that revolve around what to eat before, during, and after training. The answer is obvious, food. My job here is done. All joking aside, the answer depends on a few different factors. A typical meal takes between 5 and...
Mind-Body Relaxation Techniques
Our mind and body are connected in powerful ways. The way that we think can positively or negatively impact how our body physically feels. For example, negative emotions such as stress and anxiety can be accompanied by physical symptoms of tiredness, soreness, and...
The Importance of Foot Mechanics and Control
Being able to control your foot and ankle is one very important step to improving your balance, coordination, and performance while decreasing your risk for injury. Your foot is what connects you to the ground and just about everything you do on a daily basis, and in...
5 Fall Nutrition Tips
With the holidays coming up it is easy to fall into bad habits such as overeating, eating poorly, and not getting enough sleep. Here are five tips that will help keep you on track with your health and nutritional goals this holiday season. 1. Eat mindfully Eating...